Early Childhood Theater Teacher
Date Posted
The Early Childhood Theater Teacher role is a part-time, flexible, independent contracting position that includes:
- Looking to hire someone to develop an age appropriate theater class for the upcoming fall and winter seasons
- Lead teaching Parent-Child theater classes for children ages 5 and under
- Lesson planning, spatial prep, and cleanup/sanitization
- Providing quality care for the children
- Responsible for the growth & development of young children (physical, cognitive, social/emotional)
- Communication with director
A qualified candidate would have:
- Theater training, with knowledge of age-appropriate skill building, coordination, and reflexes
- Singing and speech ability to clearly guide large classes
- Classroom management skills -- ensuring a safe environment for children and families
- Improvisation and flexibility in-the-moment decision-making
- Creativity to design new weekly classes with age-appropriate themes
- dance training is a plus but not required
We are looking for a dance/movement teacher as well. If you have any dance experience please include it in your application.
Classes taught by this teacher will occur once or twice a week, with potential for growth, subbing, and/or teaching with other age groups in various PlayArts programs.
Classes will take place indoors during colder weather months and outdoors in the summer. For outdoor classes, a car or other form of transportation is required to transport materials to nearby parks.
Instructors are required to wear a mask. All class attendees over the age of 2 are required to wear masks. All props and toys used in classes are sanitized between classes by the instructor. Classes are easily rescheduled for clients in the event of illness.