Budget: $70,000
For questions or concerns, please contact sahiti.bonam@muralarts.org
To make a submission, follow this link.
Information sessions
Tuesday, February 11 from 6-7pm
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cxx-ahqj-hmw
Tuesday, February 18 from 6-7pm
Video call link: meet.google.com/ftp-mjpf-aqs
Wednesday, February 19 from 2-3pm
Video call link: meet.google.com/djc-mbeg-sea
Mural Arts Philadelphia is seeking an artist or team of artists to help conceive, design and implement a placemaking project for the new shopping center (Sharswood Plaza) at Ridge Avenue, Jefferson Street and 21st Street, in the Sharswood neighborhood of North Central Philadelphia.
The placemaking project will consist of painting a ground mural on two segments of a pedestrian walkway that connects a community plaza to the entrance of a supermarket, and painting murals on the vertical concrete columns of a parking garage that faces the plaza and the street. Photographs of the site are provided in an attachment to this RFQ. Artists / artist teams must have the skills to lead community engagement, and to design and install their projects. Mural Arts will provide technical assistance and facilitate approvals. For artists applying on their own, Mural Arts can also put together a team of assistants.
Three artists / teams will be paid a fee of $1,000 for preparing and proposing a concept for the project. The artist fee for the community engagement process, finalizing the design and installing the murals, including both lead artist and assistants, will be $70,000. This will include priming the walls and painting and sealing the murals. Mural Arts will pay for materials, supplies and equipment, and manage permissions for the work. The project will begin upon the selection of the artist, with installation expected to be complete by the end of July, 2025.