Orchestra Operations/Personnel Intern - Fall

Philadelphia Orchestra and Ensemble Arts Philly

The Operations/Personnel Intern will work closely with the Production and Personnel departments and be in constant contact with The Philadelphia Orchestra musicians as well as provide support to the personnel and production departments.


General Functions:

Generate weekly/daily Production Sheets and String Monitor Reports
Update all musician and personnel office postings at beginning of each week
Assist in drafting weekly personnel rosters
Assist in weekly POA Production Meetings by taking notes and updating production documents
Assist production and personnel with preparations for Collaborative Learning and other ancillary performances
Draft production and personnel memos
Fulfill musician room requests and confirm choir rehearsal space with Artistic Administrator
Update instrument insurance records
Update and mange key system
Prepare vendor check requests
Prepare piano tuning schedule
Order and manage musicians’ lounge supplies
Auditions: enter candidate information into audition database; create audition packets, committee binders, and ballots; assist in execution of auditions/proctor
Digitize personnel and operations files
Shadow Production and Personnel concert duty rotation
Other duties as assigned


Fall Seasonal:

Assist with special performances including Opening Night, Organ Halloween, NYE, GSOC, and film presentations

Assist with domestic tour preparations tour book preparations, preparation of tour staff binders, and preparation of guest bills/tracking payments
Assist with musician instrument insurance renewal and billing process
Update musician contact list and phone tree


Spring Seasonal:

Assist with special performances including Academy of Music Anniversary Concert, Season Announcement, MLK, and film presentations

Assist with foreign tour preparations including musician passport collection, foreign visa applications, tour book preparations, instrument documentation, preparation of tour staff binders, and preparation of guest bills/tracking payments
Assist with production and travel preparations for Mann Center performances, Bravo Vail, and SPAC residencies



Attention to detail
Strong interpersonal skills
Ability to work independently and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office
Knowledge of orchestral repertoire
Ability to read music


Working Conditions/Physical Demands:

Routine for office environment during day
Some late evenings & weekends when shadowing concerts

To Apply

To Apply:

Please send cover letter and resume to:        


Or Mail to:

The Philadelphia Orchestra Association

 Attn: Megan Cardell

One South Broad, 14th Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19107