Volunteer Opportunities with Rock to the Future!
Date Posted
Rock to the Future
If you're looking for an exciting way to give back to your community, help Philadelphia youth, and get that warm, fuzzy feeling, Rock to the Future is it! Rock to the Future needs volunteers to work directly with the program participants in our MusiCore after school program.
Rock to the Future (RTTF) is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 2010 that provides music education for Philadelphia's underserved youth at no cost to them or their families. Using music, our programs ignite passion and creativity, support academic achievement, and improve self-esteem. We empower individuals and strengthen communities.
Rock to the Future always needs additional volunteers to work directly with our program participants. Program volunteers are generally needed Monday through Friday from 4-6pm from September 11th, 2017 through mid-June 2018. Some volunteers help out once a week, some once a month, and some multiple times a week - the time commitment is flexible. Rock to the Future's MusiCore after school program serves youth in grades 6 - 12.
If you'd like to learn more, please register to join us on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 for our volunteer information and training session!
Click here to RSVP for the information and training session!
Types of Program Volunteers:
MUSIC: Rock to the Future volunteers help students with many different types of music and activities such as rock, pop, hip hop, and folk music, songwriting, instrument practice, music theory, and band coaching.
HOMEWORK: Volunteers not only help students with music, but also homework. Students in grades 6 - 12 are assisted with a variety of subjects including English, writing, science, math, social studies, standardized test prep, college and scholarship applications, and more!
MENTORING: Be a positive role model and mentor a Philadelphia youth! Play games, chat about their day, talk about their future, inspire a child.
To help us set up for another rocking year by helping us clean the building and/or assisting with the setup of gear, register here for our clean up day on Wednesday 8/30/17 - shifts are from 12-3pm and 3-6pm.
If you're interested in helping out but are unavailable during program hours, consider joining one of our committees!
The Programming / Education Committee meets quarterly in the evening to discuss collaborations, program and partner opportunities, needs, troubleshooting, and forward thinking. The next meeting is on Wednesday 8/30/17 at Rock to the Future from 6:30-8p.m. Register here to attend!
The Engagement Committee meets every other month to discuss RTTF's fundraising strategies and best ways of maintaining healthy fundraising relationships to increase giving from individuals, foundations, corporations, and events. The next meeting will be in October - stay tuned for details!