Arts Advocacy Research

The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance performs and commissions rigorous, innovative research that focuses on the relationship between the residents of the Philadelphia region and arts and culture. Nationally-respected signature reports include Portfolio; Arts, Culture, & Economic Prosperity, and Research into Action. If you have research requests or any other research questions, please contact If you would like to keep up to date on other sector research, subscribe to CultureWire.

Two hands form a clay dish on the cover of Agenda: Aging
Agenda: Aging
Advocacy & Cultural Policy
The cover of our Agenda: Wellness publication. The cover reads Agenda: Wellness and has 5 physician assistant students looking at the painting of the Gross Clinic at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
Agenda: Wellness
Advocacy & Cultural Policy
Agenda: Prosperity
Advocacy & Cultural Policy
Community Development & Economic Impact
The Impact of Arts and Culture: Agenda: Pre-K
Agenda: Pre-K
Advocacy & Cultural Policy
2014 Patron Loyalty Study: Loyalty by the Numbers
2014 Patron Loyalty Study
Fundraising & Development
Marketing & PR
2014 Portfolio Cover
2014 Portfolio
Community Development & Economic Impact
Arts & Cultural Participation in Greater Philadelphia (2013)
Community Development & Economic Impact
Cultural Engagement
History Organizations in Philadelphia & Other Major Cities (2013)
Community Development & Economic Impact
