Agenda: Wellness

The cover of our Agenda: Wellness publication. The cover reads Agenda: Wellness and has 5 physician assistant students looking at the painting of the Gross Clinic at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

Greater Philadelphia excels both in the education of doctors and the treatment of patients, and educating those doctors through the arts is an emerging practice that gets to the root of healthcare: improving doctors’ diagnostic abilities and helping physicians fight their own burnout.

Agenda: Wellness is at the intersection of those groundbreaking advances in medicine and the region’s world-class arts and culture sector. It’s the connection of these legacies—from Thomas Eakins’ 19th-century painting The Gross Clinic, pictured on the cover, to today’s arts-infused medical curriculum—that raises the improvement of medicine, medical education and patient outcomes to an art form.

The Agenda series highlights existing research and resources that demonstrate the relevance and impact of arts and culture in Greater Philadelphia, throughout the Commonwealth and across the country.

Agenda: Wellness Resources:


The College of Physicians Story Slam

On Monday, May 7, The College of Physicians, along with the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, presented the first-ever citywide medical story slam, featuring performances by medical students at seven Philadelphia area-medical schools. The Cultural Alliance also celebrated the release of Agenda: Wellness at the Story Slam.

Each university submitted teams of two storytellers--at least one of whom is a current medical student--in an event that mirrored the story slams that are part of the Temple University Narrative Medicine curriculum as well as other popular story slams like those presented by First Person Arts and The Moth at Philadelphia’s World Cafe Live. Competitors shared stories based on their interactions with patients, their experience in medical school or the impact of their career on their own lives.




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With additional financial support from the Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, the Lida Foundation, Brian and Sherry Effron and the Civic Foundation




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The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance would like to thank its project partners and advisory committee members, including: Patrick Auth, PhD, Drexel University; Adrian S. Banning, MMS, Drexel University; Peter Danzig, Theatrical Trainer; Horace M. DeLisser, MD, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; Carmen Febo-San Miguel, MD, Taller Puertorriqueño; Sherry W. Goodill, PhD, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Drexel University; Denise LaMarra, MS, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; Aaron Levy, Slought Foundation/University of Pennsylvania; Salvatore Mangione, MD, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Eri Millrod, Drexel University; Donna Radl, PhD, Paoli Hospital, Main Line Health; Jill Sonke, University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine; Amy P. Troyano, MA, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; and Michael Vitez, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. The Cultural Alliance also thanks Megan Voeller, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, who supplied valuable resources, input and guidance.

Published By The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Maud Lyon, President

Lead Author: Anne Marie Rhoades, Vice President of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships

Project Direction: Michael Norris, Chief Strategy Officer & Kristen Vinh, Strategic Communications Manager

Design by Swell LLC