Arts, Culture & Economic Prosperity
Date Posted

Arts, Culture & Economic Prosperity: Greater Philadelphia is an economic and social impact study of the Greater Philadelphia region’s nonprofit arts and culture industry. More than 500 arts and culture organizations participated in the research and over 1,000 individuals completed the Americans for the Arts and Economic Prosperity (AEP) survey while attending a performance, event, exhibit or while visiting a cultural event or facility in the Greater Philadelphia Region during the period from May 2022 through June 2023. Greater Philadelphia data represents the five-county region (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia).
Highlights of the report include:
- Southeastern Pennsylvania’s cultural organizations and their audiences have a combined economic impact of $3.3 Billion. This includes:
- $1.9B in direct expenditures by organizations and their audiences
- $1.4B in indirect and induced economic impact
- Arts and culture return $1.4 Billion in household income to Southeastern Pennsylvania residents.
- The arts have a remarkable return on investment and generate $429 million in tax revenue at the local, state, and federal levels.
- The typical event attendee in Greater Philadelphia spends $49.19 per person per event, not including the cost of admission.
- This is $5 more than the average spend reported from Agenda: Prosperity, published in 2017, when adjusted for inflation.
- 13.5 million people attended in-person cultural sites and events in fiscal year 2022.
- PA CultureCheck, another recent study released by the Cultural Alliance and PA Humanities, found that attendance largely remained below pre-pandemic levels during the fiscal year 2022. Only 32% of the region’s arts and culture organizations reported attendance levels at or above 2019 levels.
Watch a webinar presented by Kristen Vinh, Director of Research and Data
Research Partners
Thank you to PA Humanities for assistance with additional analysis on Arts, Culture & Economic Prosperity: Greater Philadelphia.
Customized Impact Reports
On April 30, we will be releasing the newest edition of our Prosperity Economic Impact Report. Collecting data is crucial to the Cultural Alliance's advocacy efforts; elected officials and civic leaders need to be able to see the returns on their public and private investments in arts and culture.
In addition to the region-wide and city-level reports, the Cultural Alliance can also create customized economic-impact reports for specific cultural organizations. These individualized reports provide key economic indicators such as total economic impact, direct and indirect spending, resident household income, and tax revenue for each organization.
The data from the last Prosperity report is now over five years old, and we are eager to share the new aggregate findings with our community this spring. A customized Prosperity report is a powerful tool to quantify your organization's specific economic impact to key stakeholders like your board, donors, audiences, and others.
Organizations must be in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia counties to receive a report. Reports will be delivered starting May 2024.
This year, we’re offering a variety of custom impact reports to suit your organization’s needs.
Basic Economic Impact Report
Includes a spreadsheet detailing the following data points based on 2022 budget and attendance information:
Organization Impact
Direct and Indirect and Totals
Residential Income Generated
Taxes generated (Local, State, Federal)
Audience Impact – Direct and Indirect
Direct and Indirect and Totals
Residential Income Generated
Taxes generated (Local, State, Federal)
Total Impact
Direct and Indirect and Totals
Residential Income Generated
Taxes generated (Local, State, Federal)
Pricing: $200 for Cultural Alliance members, $250 for nonmembers
Premium Economic Impact Report Package
Everything included in the Basic Economic Report, PLUS: Custom one-page designed report using your organization's brand colors and up to 3 social media graphics detailing your impact. See samples below.
Sample designed custom report:
Sample social media graphics:
Pricing: $300 for Cultural Alliance members, $400 for nonmembers
Premium Economic Package – Organization Cohorts
Everything included in the Premium Economic Impact Report for your cohort of up to 10 organizations. Cohort examples: history organizations in Old City; all theaters in Center City, etc.
Pricing: $750 for Cultural Alliance members, $1,000 for nonmembers.
Want to receive a discounted Prosperity custom report plus all of our member benefits? Read more about membership and join here.
Looking for custom reports for multiple organizations or something else? Email Director of Data and Research Kristen Vinh at