MASTER Course: Building a Framework for Advanced Evaluation and Outcome Measurement of your Organization: A Three-Part Immersion with John Kelley, PhD
Event Website
The pressure to demonstrate your organization's effectiveness and document your program outcomes continues to grow and presents a daunting challenge. Foundations, government entities, and other funders expect evaluation and performance measurement data, even as most nonprofit organizations struggle with to find the capacity to implement meaningful evaluation and outcomes measurement.
We created this Master Course, presented in three progressive l/2 day sessions, to walk you through the steps that will result in each participant having honed a clear and specific evaluation map for at last one program, as well as an enhanced ability to formulate and guide additional evaluations.
The first class will present a multi-step evaluation model with subsequent sessions devoted to developing individual evaluation plans, learning tools and techniques such as designs and data collection methods; and addressing questions and obstacles. A collaborative, collegial peer environment will encourage discussion on topics of interest to the audience, such as logic models, evaluation costs and the role of consultants.
The focus will be on leadership knowledge and skills essential to guiding evaluation design and managing implementation, rather than instruction in statistics, specific data programs and web survey tools.
Event Details
Registration Information
(1)Registration will close two days prior to the schedule date of the first workshop.
(2)This course will take place over 3 dates; February 17, March 3, and March 17 2011 - 9AM to 12PM. Registrants must attend all 3 dates.