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Facility Projects: Planning, Funding, and Financing Strategies

March 24, 2010 - 5:00am

This workshop explains the various fundraising and financing strategies available to pay for a facility project. Study the impact acquisition and/or renovation can have on your organization's mission, programs, structure, operations, fundraising and financial health. Topics include:

· Planning for your project and understanding its impact on your organization

· The relationship between operating, project and fundraising budgets

· An overview of project cash flow statements

· Planning a capital campaign

· The lending process and various financing options


Event Details

March 24, 2010 - 5:00am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
80 per person (2nd person from same organization attends for $40)
Phone Registration: 
Email Registration: 
Contact Name: 
Diana Montgomery
Contact Phone: 
(215) 546-9426