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It's been six months since the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance first launched GroundSwell. In honor of their work so far and to say thanks to supporters, GroundSwell is inviting the public to a summer happy hour in the 2013 PHS Pop-up Garden on Broad Street.

Arts, Culture & Economic Prosperity in Greater Philadelphia (2012)

Philadelphia’s arts and cultural sector has a profound $3.3 billion impact on the region’s economy and is outperforming the nation as a whole.  The Arts, Culture and Economic Prosperity in Greater Philadelphia report details how spending by cultural organizations and their audiences ripples through the economy, generating revenues for businesses, families and local governments. Click here to download the full report.

Highlights of the report:

2011 Portfolio

The third installment in the Portfolio series includes the first comprehensive look at the effects of the recession on Southeastern Pennsylania’s nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.

Regional Employment in the Cultural Economy (2010)

How many people are employed doing artistic and cultural work at for-profit and nonprofit businesses in Greater Philadelphia?

Number of Arts & Cultural Organizations in Greater Philadelphia (2010)

Q: How many arts & cultural organizations are there in the region?

Economic Impact Calculator

Calculate your organization's economic impact.

2008 Portfolio

Update of "the most ambitious and impressive attempt to uncover hard data" on arts and cultural organizations.
(Philadelphia Daily News)

2006 Portfolio

This report sets out to document the breadth, diversity, and well-being of Southeastern Pennsylvania's nonprofit cultural resources.
