2008 Portfolio

The arts and cultural sector is one of Southeastern Pennsylvania’s strongest assets. The 2008 Portfolio examines the vibrancy, value, and vulnerability of the cultural community for civic leaders, policymakers, cultural organizations, and the general public.

Building on the first edition released in 2006, the 2008 Portfolio offers more participating organizations, new topics and analyses, and a ten-year trend analysis. The Philadelphia Daily News called the 2006 Portfolio "so far, the most ambitious and impressive attempt to uncover hard data on revenue and expense figures, community engagement, governmental support, and audience attendance." (September 26, 2006)

We are pleased to offer this expanded edition of our highly-regarded report.
For additional 2008 Portfolio information and resources, please browse the following links:

Key Findings

Participating Organizations

View the 2008 Portfolio online at Issuu!


The 2008 Portfolio was made possible by PNC and the William Penn Foundation. Additional support was provided by the Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation.