COVID-19 Arts Aid PHL

The COVID-19 Arts Aid PHL Fund has awarded $4 million to 466 arts and culture organizations as well as 977 individual artists since it launched on April 13. This unprecedented collaborative effort, which was created by the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, the Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF) and the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE) focused on supporting individual artists as well as small arts and culture organizations (annual budgets no greater than $250,000) and mid-sized organizations (annual budgets of $250,000 - $15M) whose operations, revenues, work and livelihood have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Grants to Artists: The fund made 977* grants to individual artists, totaling just over $500,000.

Grants to Small Organizations: The fund made 251* grants of up to $1,000 each to small arts organizations, totaling nearly $250,000. Every eligible organization that applied received funding.

Grants to Mid-Size Organizations: The fund made 215 grants to mid-size organizations, totaling nearly $3,250,000, with grants between $5,000 and $70,000 tiered to budget sizes ($250,000 up to $15 million). Every eligible organization that applied received funding.

View a complete list of small and mid-sized organization grantees at

Supporters of Arts Aid PHL

Arts Aid PHL is a tremendous demonstration of community support for our struggling arts and arts and culture organizations. Led by a $2.5 million grant from the William Penn Foundation as well as leadership gifts from The Barra Foundation and Wyncote Foundation, COVID-19 Arts Aid PHL was supported by both national and local foundations, including the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Connelly, Independence, John S. and James L. Knight, Lenfest, Albert M. Greenfield and Victory Foundations and many others. Over 400 individual donors made gifts ranging from $3 to six figures. Corporate supporters include PECO, PNC and TD Bank.

View a complete list of the Fund’s institutional funders at arts-aid-phl-supporters.

Thank you to the Arts Aid PHL Advisory Committee, who provided guidance for criteria and guidelines for the Mid-Size grant program:

  • Kathy Christiano, William Penn Foundation
  • Kristi Poling, Barra Foundation
  • Tim Durkin, Connelly Foundation
  • Dominique Goss, TD Bank Foundation
  • Nadya Shmavonian, The Repositioning Fund
  • Kelly Lee, Office of Arts, Culture & the Creative Economy, City of Philadelphia
  • Maud Lyon, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
  • Judilee Reed, William Penn Foundation (ex officio)
  • Jenny Crowther, PIDC Community Capital (ex officio)
  • Kelli Paul, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance (ex officio)

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*Total grants awarded have been updated to reflect a decrease in anticipated funding. The numbers that appear on this page have been updated as of August 18, 2020.