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Webinar: The Loyalty Business Model - April 18

April 18, 2012 - 10:00am

While some debate the feasibility of the current arts business model and look to new audiences to fill the gap, the fact remains: only 1 out of 5 new patrons come back a second time. Our problem is not new audiences; it’s keeping the patrons we have--and increasing their loyalty to our organizations.

Loyalty can be achieved when a patrons’ passion for the arts is activated. Strategies that promote loyalty involve common-sense measures to draw in newbies and deepen relationships among first- and long-time patrons. Best practices focus on increasing patron satisfaction and, in turn, ongoing revenue. The 5th Avenue Theatre, in collaboration with TRG Arts, is building a wholly new model of audience engagement, centered on this view of patron loyalty.

5th Avenue Theatre’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications Sean Kelly and TRG’s Senior Consultant Laura Willumsen lead this webinar, which focuses on the benefits of viewing patron interactions through the lens of their lifetime loyalty to your organizations. You’ll learn:

  • Why loyalty is the only sustainable model for revenue growth
  • What makes a targeted, purposeful loyalty strategy different from more general audience engagement programs
  • About the specific techniques Kelly and Willumsen used to drive retention, as well as increase engagement and revenue at 5th Avenue Theatre 719.686.0165

Event Details

April 18, 2012 - 10:00am

Registration Information

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(719) 686-0165