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Successful Annual Appeals: Designing a Comprehensive Program to Boost Returns

October 19, 2011 - 9:15am

This interactive how-to-session will cover real-world annual giving techniques that organizations of all sizes can apply. Learn how to craft written appeals that will be opened, read, and, most importantly, answered with gifts. Take home tips for supplementing your direct mail campaign with tele-fundraising, incorporating good stewardship practices, and ensuring compliance with solicitation and tax receipting requirements. If you’re up for it, bring a recent direct mail appeal for critique.

Featuring Stephanie Cory, CFRE—Director of Development, ARC of Chester County

Semianrs are being underwritten by Bee, Bergvall & Co. 
There is no registration fee, however, pre-registration is required and space is limited to 3 from each organization.


Event Details

October 19, 2011 - 9:15am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
Contact Name: 
Liz Vibber
Contact Phone: 
(215) 343-2727
Contact Email: