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Data, Data Everywhere

March 16, 2011 - 7:30am

Drowning in data? Here's help!

Today's marketers are often overwhelmed by the incredible volume of available data. But there's a way to collect and analyze relevant data to find out what your customer really wants – as you'll learn at our March meeting.

David Geisinger, VP of Product Development and Platform Operations at Merkle, Inc. will discuss ways to deal with today's "explosion of touchpoints" … as well as storing and accessing data so it works for you.

Rather than flying blind in your marketing, you'll get a clear view of your customer across multiple channels. The result: you can target and communicate your messages more effectively.

David, who has over 17 years of multi-channel technology experience, will go well beyond the traditional data collection points of mail, phone, e-mail, and point of sale. He also will discuss these exciting new channels:

  • E-Commerce
  • Website
  • Mobile
  • Social

Discover which produces some of the most valuable data, which has the most sheer volume of data, and which is becoming a major collection point.

Bonus:  David also will reveal his three action steps for successfully using data to grow your business.

Who should attend? Anyone involved in direct marketing and its many facets … social marketing, mobile marketing, e-marketing and integrated marketing … should be at this meeting. Good data is that important.

Event Details

March 16, 2011 - 7:30am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
Members $45, Non Members $60
Contact Name: 
Philadelphia Direct Marketing Association
Contact Phone: 
(215) 473-1668