COVID-19 Arts Aid PHL Supporters

Thank you to the many supporters of the COVID-19 Arts Aid PHL relief fund -- their support will have a tremendous impact on helping to ensure that our cultural community is able to weather this storm.

If you’d like to make a contribution to the fund, please visit Every size gift will have an impact during this trying time.

Founding Institutional Donors

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Major Institutional Donors

Anton Charitable Trusts
Connelly Foundation
Joanna McNeil Lewis/Joanna McNeil Trust
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
Otto Haas Charitable Trust
Victory Foundation
Wyncote Foundation

Institutional Donors

The Benoliel Family Foundation
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Linda & David Glickstein Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation
Albert M. Greenfield Foundation
Hamilton Family Charitable Trusts
Independence Foundation
Lenfest Foundation
Mural Arts Philadelphia
Office of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
Philadelphia Cultural Fund
PNC Bank
TD Bank
Tobey & Mark Dichter Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation