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Proposal Writing Seminar

March 17, 2010 - 5:00am

For every grantseeker who wants to learn how to write proposals geared to foundations, and for experienced grantseekers who are initiating a foundation fundraising campaign.

More than 38,000 grantseekers have strengthened their skills with our most popular seminar. Expert instructors will teach you to craft a comprehensive, compelling proposal package step by step. You'll hear what grantmakers have to say about proposals, and gain valuable insight into the review process.

Gain the competitive edge with a well-crafted proposal package
Learn the best way to present your information
Humanize your story to present a compelling picture
Convince funders to become part of your success and stay committed

Cover letter, executive summary; your message to the grantmaker
Statement of need; choosing data to support your case
Comprehensive project descriptions; your proof of project planning
Organizational overview, conclusion, appendices
Researching the funder to position your proposal
The grantmaker's proposal review process

Applicable for six CFRETM International points for initial or re-certification
Free copy of The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing, 5th Edition (a $39.95 value)
Workbook outlining all major course topics

Event Details

March 17, 2010 - 5:00am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
$195.00 per person
Contact Name: 
Jenn Donsky