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Museums Advocacy Day 2010

March 22, 2010 - 5:00am

Museums Advocacy Day is your chance to get advocacy and policy training and then take our case to Capitol Hill alongside fellow advocates from your state and congressional district.

Museums Advocacy Day is your chance to get advocacy and policy training and then take our case to Capitol Hill alongside fellow advocates from your state and congressional district.

What are we advocating for?
We will be working with Museums Advocacy Day sponsoring organizations to develop the legislative agenda for Museums Advocacy Day 2010. Likely issues will include federal funding for museums, museums and federal education policy, and charitable giving issues affecting museums.

Who should participate?
The entire museum field is welcome to participate: staff, volunteers, trustees, students, or even museum enthusiasts. Museums Advocacy Day is the ideal chance for new and seasoned advocates to network with museum professionals from their state and meet with Congressional offices.

Event Details

March 22, 2010 - 5:00am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
Contact Name: 
Kate Goodall
Contact Email: