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FREE: Creating Great Charts, Graphs, and Maps on a Budget- Webinar

April 19, 2012 - 9:00am

You've got data. How do you transform it into charts, graphs, and maps that will help your audience understand the data and move them to take action? In this online seminars, we'll talk about the types of chart and map formats that might be useful to you, and then take a look at a number of the software packages that can help you create data graphics for both web and print publications.

By the end of this free session, you will

  1. Have a good understanding of a number of common chart and map formats, and some core best practices for creating data graphics
  2. Understand some of the core principles of creating useful and powerful data graphics
  3. See some of the best software packages that can help create data graphics for print and the web, and how they compare
The agenda includes:
  • Six Principles of Good Data Graphics
  • Types of Charts and Maps
  • Low Cost Software Options
  • Desktop Charting:  Excel, SmartDraw, DeltaGraph
  • Online Charting:  Google Docs, ManyEyes, Swivel
  • Mapping:  Google Maps and Earth, Microsoft MapPoint
  • Comparing the Tools
Conducted by Laura Quinn
Laura is the Executive Director of Idealware.  She conducted the research and analysis to write Idealware’s Consumers Guide to Low-Cost Data Visualization Tools, and creates many data graphics for Idealware’s own research and publication.  Prior to directing Idealware’s research, writing, and training, Laura founded Alder Consulting, a firm that specialized in strategizing, designing, and building powerful internet strategies for affordable budgets.  Laura is a frequent speaker on nonprofit technology topics, and has conducted literally dozens of online and offline seminars.
Please register with an email address that will allow you to recieve the access and dial-in information for the online seminar.

Event Details

April 19, 2012 - 9:00am

Registration Information

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