Getting Beyond Breakeven

Review of Capitalization Needs & Challenges of Philadelphia-Area Arts & Cultural Organizations


The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance is pleased to share this important research report.

Commissioned by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the William Penn Foundation. Getting Beyond Breakeven: A Review of Capitalization Needs and Challenges of Philadelphia-Area Arts and Culture Organizations is an effort to better understand and illuminate the fiscal conditions and structural needs of the region's nonprofit cultural community. The report was written by TDC, a Boston consulting firm with a long history of work in the cultural sector.

The report explains the nature of undercapitalization and its impact on achieving artistic mission, and describes critical differences in business models for different types of cultural organizations. Getting Beyond Breakeven explains the root causes of some of our historic financial and structural challenges, while also providing an opportunity to develop tools that will enable us to better prepare for a healthy future.