2014 Portfolio
Date Posted

The 2014 Portfolio is the Cultural Alliance’s largest analysis of the arts and culture sector to date, covering the activities of 473 cultural groups in the most recent fiscal year and trend data from 298 organizations covering 2009 to 2012.
The 2014 Portfolio uncovers new evidence of the significant impact arts and culture has in driving the local economy, and reveals findings on how cultural organizations are beginning to recover from the Great Recession. The report also identifies and tracks the performance of a distinct set of organizations which are recovering more quickly, managing to navigate the aftermath of the recession while increasing paid attendance, expanding spending and balancing budgets.
The big story of 2014 Portfolio is the sector's overall improvement in strengthening earned income and increasing attendance. However, overall contributed income has remained flat since the recession, with significant declines in local, state, individual and corporate funding. The analysis in Portfolio will help the sector navigate the challenges of this new philanthropic environment in the years ahead.
Click here to view the report online, or download a PDF version at right. Read the press release for the 2014 Portfolio here.
Portfolio 2014 is the result of the collective efforts of Cultural Alliance staff, 473 organizations which contributed data through their participation in the Cultural Data Project, research from Metro Metricx, and core funders The Pew Charitable Trusts, William Penn Foundation and PNC.
Press coverage for 2014 Portfolio:
Philadelphia Business Journal
Philadelphia Inquirer