Accessibility & Diversity Initiative

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In July 2018, we set out to reduce barriers to participation, promote organizations of color and foster industry standards of inclusivity and diversity as part of our new Accessibility & Diversity Initiative (A/D Initiative).

As part of the initiative, we have selected 15 organizations of color in the Philadelphia region which will receive subsidized advertising and promotions on Phillyfunguide and our Funsavers weekly email. The goal is to help drive attention and attendance to these organizations and their important work. In addition to offering promotional packages, our goal is to foster a stronger community by creating opportunities for our cohort to connect and discuss marketing strategies as well as diversity and equity concerns.

As part of this initiative, we will be updating the Phillyfunguide website to be in line with ADA standards, so stay tune for a mini redesign of the Phillyfunguide in 2019.

This work is ongoing and continuously developing. We are currently in the process of developing phase II of this project to continue to support these organizations and expand definitions of accessibility, such as sensory-friendly performances, through editorials and promotions.

We thank you for your continued support in making the arts more diverse, equitable and inclusive!

Meet the first A/D Initiative Cohort:

  • Art Sanctuary
  • Asian Arts Initiative
  • Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra
  • Colored Girls Museum
  • Johnson House
  • Kulu Mele
  • New Freedom Theater
  • Philadanco
  • Power Street Theater Company
  • Sruti - The India Music & Dance Society
  • Taller Puertorriqueno
  • Theater in the X
  • Usiloquy Dance Designs
  • CAGE
  • Philadelphia Clef Club