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Bloomberg Arts Internship Spotlight: Calliope

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This interview was conducted and photographed by fellow Bloomberg Arts Intern Natasha J. for the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance


What motivated you to apply for the Bloomberg Arts Internship?

To be honest, I found this internship through research. Mainly what I wanted out of the summer was to have a structured 9-5 job for most of the summer. I also wanted to have a job that was a little bit more of a transition into the professional world than like a typical teenage job. 

Which arts & culture organization are you paired with and what are your main tasks there?

I work at the Penn Museum and my task is to make a short film inspired by one of the exhibits. The museum brought in a local filmmaker that gives us lessons in film making as we’re progressing through our production. He helps with the script, pre-production, the film itself, and then later on he’ll help us with editing. We’re able to explore more of the museum itself outside of the filmmaking capacity. We do a daily lecture about one of the artifacts, which is super engaging because I’m interested in Anthropology and other topics that the Penn Museum focuses on. Sometimes we’ll meet with the various departments of the museums, and we were able to view the archives. 

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Describe your film project and what it focuses on.

My film is inspired by the “Ancient Food and Flavors” exhibit, and I’m concentrating on the concept of spicy food. It’s been a great opportunity to learn not just about food itself but learn from the experts themselves. I’ve been able to interview one of the exhibit curators regarding spice, which was an incredibly cool conversation. Me and my fellow interns also are able to venture and film Philadelphia’s food scene by going to food trucks and restaurants to film. 

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How have the overall cultural immersions we’ve had enhance your experience of Philly’s art scene? 

Definitely the scavenger hunt we did for one of our cultural immersions. It was a lot of walking in Philadelphia, so I’ve definitely become acquainted with the landmarks. Seeing them all together gave me this impression of, “Okay, Philly does have a pretty cool art scene that is pretty unique and significant” in a way that I’ve never seen before.

Do you see yourself benefitting from BAI on a more personal level?

Yes! I’ve already been viewing art differently than I have before. I’m an artistic person: I was a dancer, I play the guitar, I’ve been in a musical, and I generally enjoy consuming art. Concentrating on this internship specifically, especially our cultural immersions. The Fabric Workshop and Museum for example, and their “Group Hug” exhibit was the first time I felt like an art installation really educated me in a way that was practical that I could take home and reflect on. 

How do you plan to remain involved in the arts and culture sector after your experience with BAI?

I hope to continue making art myself but also just in general support more artists and creative initiatives throughout the city, going to more museums, and consuming more art throughout the city. Generally just supporting through patronage and going as a viewer. 

Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years and how does BAI align with your long-term career goals?

I would love to participate in community-oriented work and service, and I’ve learned that community engagement and community care can really revolve around artwork, and artwork can be a means of supporting a community. I’d love to do art work that contributes to a community’s economy that contributes to social work. 

What advice would you give to a future BAI applicant?

 My biggest advice would be making sure that you’re able to communicate with your fellow interns and adults, as this was a large part of the internship, if that’s not your thing then make it your thing because it’s so crucial. In terms of the application process, I would strongly recommend making a connection to your purpose in the program aside from being an artist.