However, our sector does not exist without its challenges. Despite recent growth in audience participation, earned revenue and contributions from foundations and board members, we’ve also seen troubling drops in individual, corporate and government support.
In order to meet these challenges and serve our community well, nonprofit organizations must adapt. We must be as bold and creative with technology, cross-sector collaborations and new business models as we are with the art we hang in our galleries, the performances we put on our stages, and the history and science we explore in our exhibitions.
The Cultural Alliance is adapting as well. As you will see in this FY2015 annual report, while it has been a year of transition, it has also been a year of great accomplishment. Our staff and board are identifying ways to build upon our traditional strengths of advocacy, research and marketing, and we’re also working to add new capabilities to better serve you, our members and sector.
As our supporters, you inspire us daily. We thank you, and look forward to continuing our work together in FY2016.