Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Job Searching from the Inside Out

Job Searching from the Inside Out ™
also helps individuals identify, understand
and eliminate the blocks that prevent
them from starting and sustaining a job
search or from achieving the level of work
they want.
Through this five part seminar
participants will:
1) Direct or redirect their job searches
2) Realize how past history affects their
    ability to succeed today
3) Discover how to use their resumes,
    cover letters and interviews to create      
    an accurate depiction of their work lives
4) Understand how to market themselves
     in this economic climate
5) Find out how the negotiation process
    predicts future achievements
Job Searching from the Inside Out ™
teaches people a very specific job 
search method that makes it easy to
stand out in this applicant saturated
marketplace, and to break free of
familiar, but obsolete job searching
techniques that no longer produce

Job Searching from the Inside Out ™
teaches people a very specific job
search method that makes it easy to
stand out in this applicant saturated
marketplace, and to break free of
familiar, but obsolete job searching
techniques that no longer produce