Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Third Arts and Quality of Life Research Center Conference

Third Annual Arts and Quality of Life Research Center Conference

"Arts for Healing - Arts for Wellness"



Healing Trauma through the Arts
David Read Johnson, Ph.D., RDT-BCT

Arts for Wellness in the Community
Pepón Osorio, MA, Laura Carnell Professor of Community Arts, Tyler school of the Arts, Temple University

Arts Programs for Healing and Wellness at the Arts and Quality of Life Research Center
Cheryl Dileo, PhD, MT-BC, Carnell Professor of Music Therapy, Coordinator PhD Program in Music Therapy,
Director Arts and Quality of Life Research Center; Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC, Assistant Director, Arts and Quality of Life Research Center, Temple University

Music and Music Therapy for Healing from Depression and Stroke
Jaakko Erikkilä, PhD; Esa Ala-Ruona, PhD; Jörg Fachner, PhD (Finland)

Promoting Wellness through Access to the Arts
Ermyn F. King, MA

Building Community: Random Acts of Dance
Rhonda Moore, Ed.M. candidate

Registration deadline: February 5, 2010

Third Annual Arts and Quality of Life Research Center Conference

"Arts for Healing - Arts for Wellness"



Healing Trauma through the Arts
David Read Johnson, Ph.D., RDT-BCT

Arts for Wellness in the Community
Pepón Osorio, MA, Laura Carnell Professor of Community Arts, Tyler school of the Arts, Temple University