6th Annual Nonprofit Technical Assistance Day: Focus on Individual GivingANDY ROBINSON MORE ASKERS=MORE MONEY: Most organizations work heroically to get their board members engaged in face to face fundraising--with very mixed results. Yet we tend to forget about the other 'human resource' available to us: the staff. Using successful case studies, Andy will discuss ways to engage employees in cultivating, asking and thanking donors. ---------------------------------------------------- FERNANDO CHANG-MUY, ESQ SECURING MAJOR GIFTS beginning at about 11:00am. These two accomplished gentleman will both speak in the Montgomery Auditorium. There will be a break between the workshops. Whether you plan to attend one or both of the workshops, you only need to register *once*. If you are only attending the latter session, however, please wait until the previous workshop has finished before entering the auditorium. |
ANDY ROBINSON MORE ASKERS=MORE MONEY: Most organizations work heroically to get their board members engaged in face to face fundraising--with very mixed results. Yet we tend to forget about the other 'human resource' available to us: the staff. Using successful case studies, Andy will discuss ways to engage employees in cultivating, asking and thanking donors. |
The work of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance is made possible through the generous support of committed individuals and institutions. |