Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Webinar - Online Fundraising Fundamentals-Tools and Strategies for Success

Online fundraising is about much more than just processing credit cards and slapping a big "Donate Now" button on your website (though a big visible button is very helpful!). Successful online fundraising requires lots of pieces of your marketing strategy and your technology tools to work together to provide a seamless, inspiring, and comforting experience for your donors.

During this webinar, we'll cover what you need:

  • On your homepage
  • On your donate page
  • In your email communications
  • In your social media profiles
  • In your print and other offline communications.

We'll also talk about the kind of content you need to provide to donors (past, present, and future) to inspire them to give more, and to give again later. You'll leave the webinar with a basic online fundraising strategy that you can customize for your organization.


NEW! In addition to this live training, you'll also receive these 5 bonus materials to help you implement your online fundraising program:

  1. Kivi's Online Fundraising Cheat Sheet - The critical must-knows and must-dos, all in a simple two-page guide.
  2. Website Home Page Checklist
  3. Website Donate Now Page Checklist
  4. Email Fundraising Checklist
  5. Online Donor Follow-up Checklist

Presented by Kivi Leroux Miller
Moderated by Kurt Steiner, founder of

Successful online fundraising requires lots of pieces of your marketing strategy and your technology tools to work together to provide a seamless, inspiring, and comforting experience for your donors.