Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Nonprofit Writing Stinks! Bring Your Writing Back to Life-Webinar

The people who work for nonprofits perform some of the most interesting, engaging work around. So why do nonprofit grant proposals, newsletters, and web content sound as though they were written by heartless (and even headless) robots?

Hack your way out of the jargon jungle and learn how to write about your nonprofit's mission and activities like the smart, passionate person you are!
Using lots of real-world examples of both good and bad nonprofit writing, we'll cover these points and more: 
* Spot-cleaning jargon and nonprofit-speak out of your writing
* Avoiding the nonprofit topics most likely to bore your readers to death
* Honing in on your key points and cutting the blah, blah, blah
* Using metaphors to make your point more clearly
* Writing for your readers, including donors, volunteers, and other supporters
Don't let bad nonprofit writing cost you another grant, new volunteers, or political support. Instead, use your words to inspire and motivate people to support your organization and your cause. 
Kivi Leroux Miller, president of EcoScribe Communications and founder of Nonprofit Marketing, will teach this webinar.

The people who work for nonprofits perform some of the most interesting, engaging work around. So why do nonprofit grant proposals, newsletters, and web content sound as though they were written by heartless (and even headless) robots?