Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Competitive Grant Writing in Media, PA

Grant seeking has never been more competitive than today. With information on grant opportunities so broadly available, most grant making foundations and agencies receive hundreds more worthy grant proposals for each funding cycle than they could ever fund. Learn to pre-judge your grant proposals by thinking like a grant maker. Give your proposals the competitive edge of a serious grant seeker. If you’re ready to get serious about grant writing, invest a day honing your skills with proven techniques for generating support.

Why should YOU attend? To learn the strategies that professional grant writers use!

Crafting the Letter of Inquiry
Developing and accessing proposal ideas
Technical components of a proposal
Criteria that grant makers use in evaluating proposals
Editing and packaging proposals
Advanced foundation research tips
Story-telling with passion and commitment
Quantifying Objectives and setting Performance Indicators and Outcome Projections for your grant-funded programs
Designing Evaluation Methodologies for your grant-funded projects
Demonstrating Financial Sustainability, and how that makes or breaks your proposal
Budgets and the all-important Budget Narrative
New trends in proposal formatting: imbedding photos, using color, etc.
Follow-up with grant makers and cultivation of relationships 

Grant seeking has never been more competitive than today. With information on grant opportunities so broadly available, most grant making foundations and agencies receive hundreds more worthy grant proposals for each funding cycle than they could ever fund. Learn to pre-judge your grant proposals by thinking like a grant maker. Give your proposals the competitive edge of a serious grant seeker. If you’re ready to get serious about grant writing, invest a day honing your skills with proven techniques for generating support.