Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

2012 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention: The New Normal


If not, it should. The New Normal isn't just "learning to do more with less." It's also about rapidly changing demographics: a huge increase in the number of Americans over the age of 65; a switch from majority-minority America to one that is increasingly multiethnic; and a swelling digital generation with different world views. The New Normal isn't just our present—it’s our future, too. And in this not-so-distant future our communities will look vastly different 

How is your arts organization adapting to these changes? Is your work vital to the economy and cultural life of your community now—and in the future? 

Find answers to these questions during the best professional development opportunity of the year—the 2012 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention—taking place June 8–10, 2012 in San Antonio, TX. Join more than 1,100 arts and community leaders as we discover how the arts can function, change, and thrive in The New Normal.


Opening Keynote Speaker:
What better way to open the 2012 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention than with keynote speaker Luis A. Ubiñas, president of the Ford Foundation? As the second largest philanthropic organization in the United States, the Ford Foundation awards $500 million in annual giving.
Since becoming president in 2008, Ubiñas has focused Ford’s grantmaking on increasing the participation of poor and marginalized individuals and communities in the economic, social, and political opportunities afforded by their society. That effort is being enhanced by exploring how new technology and social media can reshape the way nonprofits deliver results for those they serve.
Just for public art professionals and emerging leaders! 
Plan to come early to San Antonio for preconferences June 7–8 for the Public Art Preconference and the Emerging Leaders Preconference, sponsored by American Express.
San Antonio is the ideal backdrop to connect with your peers and see firsthand how arts and culture can shape a community. From the city’s River Walk and historic museums to its embrace of the visual arts and ethnic diversity, you will see how the artistic practices and traditions of the past can merge with—and help redefine—the present and future.


The New Normal—a term we hear every day, but does it mean anything to the work of your organization?