Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Career Advancement/Professional Development with Lona Farr

From the time we are old enough to speak, people ask us, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This very interactive session will help you explore your career paths and opportunities. It will help you answer such questions as: How do you know what area of fundraising is for you or even if resource development is what you want to do? Do you want be a hands-on fundraiser or move to opportunities in leadership and management? If you are looking for a new job, what are the strategies that will help you find the career opportunity that is right for you?

Learning objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants will have considered:

  • Why am I a development professional? Do I really want to be one?
  • Why am I in my current job? What things do I want my job/career to provide for me?
  • How do I develop a personal career plan to help me fulfill my career dream?


From the time we are old enough to speak, people ask us, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This very interactive session will help you explore your career paths and opportunities. It will help you answer such questions as: How do you know what area of fundraising is for you or even if resource development is what you want to do? Do you want be a hands-on fundraiser or move to opportunities in leadership and management? If you are looking for a new job, what are the strategies that will help you find the career opportunity that is right for you?