Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Webinar: Increasing Your Organization's Internet Presence - July 17

In today’s world, being visible on the internet is becoming more and more important. This session will provide attendees with specific and implementable methods of increasing the visibility of your website on the web. The techniques are tailored for organizations that want to be found when individuals are simply “surfing” the web, when individuals are at related websites, and/or when individuals are looking to get involved – for example, through donations of time or money.

Specific areas that are covered include:

  • Search engines: How they work, how to raise your website’s visibility on the major search engines in use
  • Meta-Tags and other website Info: What information should be “behind” your website to ensure that it is found
  • Linkages: Why links from other sites are important, and how to find good places that will link to your site
  • Web Site Submittal Services: What they are, how they work, whether they are worth the money
  • Pitfalls: Things to make sure you don’t do if you want your website found
  • This session is appropriate for non-technical staff – the material is clearly explained so non-technical staff will be able to implement the techniques described themselves.
In this session, participants will learn
  • Increased understanding of how search engines work and what matters to become more visible on the internet
  • Specific techniques to increase ones visibility on the internet
  • Perspective on the overall importance of search engine visibility to achieving mission

In today’s world, being visible on the internet is becoming more and more important. This session will provide attendees with specific and implementable methods of increasing the visibility of your website on the web. The techniques are tailored for organizations that want to be found when individuals are simply “surfing” the web, when individuals are at related websites, and/or when individuals are looking to get involved – for example, through donations of time or money.