Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists and the Society of American Archivists
ARCHIVES 2013 / New Orleans – the premier educational event for archives and records management professionals – is your best opportunity all year to make connections, learn, and get inspired!
Make connections!
Meet face-to-face with your colleagues in a unique conference experience.
- Diverse perspectives from experienced professionals and newcomers to the field – all of whom are excited about sharing their knowledge
- Thought-provoking and informative plenary sessions
- 70 Education Sessions – developed specifically for archives professionals – in which speakers share innovative practices and provide practical tips that you can put to use as soon as you return to work – and thought leaders discuss research and theory that advance your profession to new heights
- New learning formats – from the EAD Hackathon and CURATEcamp to the Poster Pitch and lightning sessions throughout the conference – all designed to provide fun new ways to learn
- In-depth coverage of an archival topic of special interest to you at Pre-Conference Programs
- Open forums and brown bag lunches at which to exchange ideas about advocacy, diversity, the ICA Principles on Access, the work of SHRAB’s, SAA’s draft Strategic Plan, and so much more….
Get inspired!
At ARCHIVES 2013 you’ll have so many opportunities to expand your horizons as a professional!
- The Exhibit Hall – packed with fresh ideas, new products, the tools you need to do your best
- The 7th Annual Research Forum, where you’ll learn about what’s happening in research and innovation – and maybe find some research-based solutions for your institution
- The SAA Bookstore, where you can purchase SAA’s newest titles or chat about an idea you have for a book or article with SAA’s Publications Editor, Journal Editor, and Director of Publishing